AP Creator of the Month, Mar 2019 : xMochaPuffx

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Welcome to AP Spotlight. Every month, we’ll pick an AP Creator of the Month and interview them, and they send us a little video intro with some quick tips for other AP Creators.

For March, our AP Creator of the Month is xMochaPuffx. She creates a wide variety of content including BDSM, roleplaying, cosplay, and more with a great smile and a great attitude.

In this interview, xMochaPuffx talks about her extensive content library, her motivations, her brand, and shares some great tips and ideas for fellow AP Creators. Find her video and interview below.

How’d you get started making adult content?
I originally begun making videos for the cam-site I was streaming on at the time. I noticed it was something that other models were offering in their streams & tried it out for myself because I wanted to explore other means of earning income while offline.

How long have you been making content?
I started making my first videos back in 2016 (if I’m remembering correctly) So, about 3 years!

What inspires your content?
I try to draw my inspiration from many different sources : My experiences, my desires, my audiences desires, music, dance, history, film…

What’s your favorite content you’ve ever made?
Ooo that’s a toughy. I don’t know that I can pick a favorite honestly. Every clip I put out is unique and has it’s own little backstory to it that I feel I’d be doing a disservice to my other videos if I were to pick favorites. They’re all my babies!

How do you promote your brand, and what’s the most successful method(s) for you?
Primarily through social media. I’m on Twitter all the time posting previews and other promotional tweets to pull in new clientele.

What’s your trick to balancing your daily life?
Taking breaks & napping.

If you could give a new creator advice, what would it be?
Porn can be whatever you want it to be.

If you make customs – what’s the weirdest request and did you do it?
I had a customer request that I cover my entire body with shaving cream and smoke cigarettes. I’m not a cigarette smoker so I turned it down but the concept certainly was different.

How do you film? Any special lighting equipment/camera? Feel free to share some of your tips
I film using my iPhone, a tripod, an external phone mic, and my Limo lighting set. In college, I actually took a couple film courses which helped build a good foundation for film production which I was/am able to apply to my own creations. Youtube is a wealth of knowledge for this kind of thing. Look up tutorials for lighting and utilizing your camera in’the best way possible. Also be open to the process of trial and error. Try things out, see what works and doesn’t. Experiment.

What do you like about using AP as a platform?
The site itself is incredibly efficient and easy to navigate. I love the layout too, and the site admin is always on top of matters relating to the site, the models, and it’s the site members/ customers.

Has your brand evolved since you started? If so, how?
I’d say the major evolvement has come from my growing confidence in myself as a creator and all around bomb-ass individual. In the beginning, it was definitely difficult to foresee my own potential because I felt limited by my circumstances. It was only until I started seeing how others produce content with limited resources that I begun to accept the reality that either I was going to make the most of what I did have, or I’d have to move on and find something else. Deep down, I knew this was where I was supposed to be and thats when marketing myself as Mocha Puff really took off. There was just a point when I started really owning who I was, what I wanted this brand to become, and being unafraid to put myself out there.

What are you watching on Netflix right now?
Breaking Bad & the Office, on repeat

What’s a meme to describe yourself?
Any meme depicting “happy crying”

Mocha, you have a variety of content including vanilla, BDSM, cosplay, roleplaying etc. What’s your favorite niche to film?
Probably roleplay. Years ago I actually had aspirations to be an actress in films but couldn’t see myself seriously making it in the mainstream film world. Porn re-opened that door for me though, especially when doing role-play scenes. Playing different characters in my videos is extremely enjoyable for me & allows me to put some of my acting “skills” to work.

You have almost 75 videos! How do you stay so creative? Do you draw inspiration from anything?
As I mentioned in an earlier question, I do draw my inspiration from lots of different sources. I feel doing this helps content stay unique. I also keep a notepad with me and don’t fight my creative bursts. When an idea comes to my head, even if it’s at a random time, I write down my thoughts. That way, I can return to those notes later when compiling my scenes rather than forcing all the creative juices to flow at once.

How did you come up with your stage name? (you can skip this question if it’s too personal/revealing)
Haha honestly the same way a person comes up with a username to a website. It was the first name I entered when joining my very first cam-site ever. I didn’t originally know that this would be the name I’d be sticking with bc I wasn’t sure how long I’d even be camming for. I wanted something simple that was cute & recognizable to me. The “mocha” seemed to be a cute variant of my legal name, and “Puff” was meant to double-allude to my afro and the fact that I smoke weed. Popped two X’s on the ends because this is porn & X obviously signifies adult right? haha.

What got you into cosplay?
I’ve just always loved cosplay as an art in general. It’s costuming, performance, roleplaying… all things I love to do.

Hit us with your social media links so people can follow you on all the things Certainly! Follow mehhh:
Twitter: @xMochaPuffx
Instagram: officialmochapuff

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