December Contest Results, January $1000 Contest, & More!

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December 2017 Contest Results

1st : Jasper (AP Link) – $1000
2nd : Princess Mei (AP Link) – $400
3rd : Luna (AP Link) – $200

As per usual, we’re doing it again! This one starts at Midnight (January 1st) and runs to Midnight on January 31st — the ENTIRE month, down to the minute. Please note : this is Midnight?Mountain Standard Time (Midnight MST = 11pm PST).

The Top 3 earners will get paid, via your usual payout method, in the following amounts…

1st Place : $1000
2nd Place : $400
3rd Place : $200

Becoming one of the Top 3 Earners can be done in any way that you’d normally get income through AP. That means all of the following are eligible for Top Earner status :
– Video Sales
– Photoset Sales
– Bundle Sales
– BTO Fulfillment *
– Tips

*note about BTO fulfillment : it’s not considered a sale until the BTO is delivered (aka fulfilled). If you started a BTO request in December and fulfill it in December, it’s eligible. But if you start one in January and fulfill it in February, it’s not eligible.

Some other news

Keep your eyes peeled in the next few days for a HUGE design overhaul of [REDACTED].

If you missed it, we’ve finally got Auto Tweets available for all models, which you can read about here and discuss your thoughts/bugs/etc in this lounge forum post.

Over in the lounge, we’re looking for models willing to help AP branch out (details in this link), help with our Instagram (details in this link), and we’ve added a whole host of AP logo assets for models to use in their own promos (details in this link).

Furthermore, the AP Lounge could use your help. Are you particularly well-versed in some area of Amateur Porn? Be it custom videos, proper lighting techniques, social media prowess, finding and targeting your niche, or something else entirely?

We’d love to have you write some content for the AP Lounge, to make this not just a news site but also a resource. Get in touch with us and tell us what you wanna write about :

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