Mental and Physical Health

Sex work can take a lot out of you. Even if you aren’t putting in the most physical labor, sitting in front of a computer screen for hours can take a toll. If you’re able, try to take an hour off of screen time before bed. This is recommended by health professionals and psychologists : your brain needs time to unwind, relax, and not be staring at an artificial light source. This would also be a perfect time to enjoy a book you’ve been meaning to read, or even just listening to an audiobook or podcast. Sit in the dark, chill out, relax, unwind. You’ve earned it.

Some creators find meditation and mindfulness helpful to re-center and relax away from a computer screen or camera. If you’re new to it, free meditation apps can help guide you so that you’re able to relax and give your brain a break (Calm and Headspace can be great options). Sex work can take a lot out of you and burnout is very real, so if you feel like you need additional help talking to a therapist can work wonders for some creators. You can do this either by searching for sex worker friendly providers in your area or through online services like TalkSpace that are generally more affordable, especially if you don’t have health insurance. Invest in yourself and your mental health, it’s something we all need!

Many performers start to notice joint aches, soreness, or even swelling after time. Adding glucosamine (vegan and gluten free versions are available!) to your diet can help keep joints lubricated. If joint problems persist, seeking medical attention if it’s available is always a good idea.

Because many performers notice soreness and aches, it can help to treat yourself to a therapeutic massage or an appointment with a chiropractor if these aches and pains start to affect your work’some masseuses and chiropractors accept insurance and you can often find providers who offer sliding scale prices based on what you can afford! To work on your sore body at home, yoga and gentle stretching can help to make you feel healthier and more comfortable especially when you’ve been working hard, and there are free routines and tutorials on YouTube for all levels and intensities.

Without the regular structure of a 9-5 vanilla job, a meal schedule can become non-existent. Stocking your place full of healthy snacks that are easy to grab throughout the day can keep you from feeling fatigued. If it’s within your budget, try setting aside snacks and food exclusively for when you’re working. People with “normal” jobs often bring lunch or snacks with them to work, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be doing this for yourself even though you might not be leaving the house!

Making friends with other people in the industry can be very fulfilling, as no one can understand your work quite the way other SWs do!

If you need some online SW friends, hang out in our private Creators Only Lounge. We made that space for you to use and have fun and connect, and it’s locked down from the prying eyes of the public (or anyone who isn’t an active AP Creator).

More Self-Care Toolbox Articles

Pineapple Support’s Tips on Self-Care During Industry Events
Sultry Sitara on Handling Microaggressions
TricksTreats on Sex Worker Safety
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