AP Creator of the Month : Lily Laloca

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Welcome to AP Spotlight. Every month, we’ll pick an AP Creator of the Month and interview them, and they send us a little video intro with some quick tips for other AP Creators.

For August, our AP Creator of the Month is Lily Laloca. Having joined AP only earlier this year, she’s regularly topping our tip-to-vote contests, was our Top Seller in June 2019, has a wide array of content, and shows no signs of slowing down.

How’d you get started making adult content?
I originally started with camming when I was 23 years old and still in college. I was google searching for income that I could make from home, so I could stay committed to my education. I stumbled across cam sites during my search and was very intrigued, as chatrooms and online friends were a big part of my life when I was growing up.

When I was 18, I had taken nude photos for money once or twice, and was always very comfortable with my body and my sexual. When I first tried camming, I did so as an “exhibitionist” on Chaturbate, where I could not make tokens yet but would log online just to chat and see how it worked and if I liked it. After just a couple days of chatting with people, I got verified and begun my camming journey. After my first year of camming I attended two content creating events with other models where I was professionally filmed by Adult Indie Productions.

I learned so much at this event, about myself and content creating, and this is when I truly started taking content creating seriously and making it more of a priority.

How long have you been making content?
I started camming in November of 2013 but didn’t really start making content until I attended my first content camp in March 2015.

What inspires your content?
Everything. Sometimes an idea just pops into my head. Sometimes a mood can inspire my work, a smell, a color, a song, or a movie. My recent head shaving video was inspired by my favorite movie, Empire Records. I have another video planned that is inspired by the color orange. So many things inspire my creative side.

What’s your favorite content you’ve ever made?
Oh boy, I hate to toot my own horn, but I have a lot of favorites of my own work. Probably my Hooked on Fishnets video, it’s got a grunge music video vibe and it took me 3 days straight just to edit it. Every time I watch it, I still get chills and can’t believe I created something so cool.

How do you promote your brand, and what’s the most successful method(s) for you?
I use Twitter and Snapchat to promote my brand. I will take little snippets of my private Snapchat story and use them as promotion on my regular Snapchat story and on my Twitter. I try to use a variety of clips from sexy to silly. One time, I used a little clip of me spilling coffee and going “oh no!” as a promotion clip. Really anything that will catch people’s eyes and try to mix it up a lot. It’s hard to know how to successfully promote, because social medias make it really hard for sex workers to be seen these days.

What’s your trick to balancing your daily life?
I used to feel really guilty taking “me” time but it’s extremely important. When me and my husband are spending time together, I keep my phone down. I used to constantly be on my phone or computer and it would ruin the time we spent together because I wasn’t in the moment, my brain was on work. Working from home is especially hard on me because I constantly feel trapped at my house. So I make a point to get out of the house at least once a day, whether it’s to go get coffee, go grocery shopping, or do something I enjoy, like go play disc golf or Pokémon GO.

If you could give a new creator advice, what would it be?
Work with what you have. When I first started camming and making content, all I had was a webcam and a couple of house lamps. But you can make some beautiful things with minimal equipment, as long as you know how to use that equipment in your favor.

If you make customs – what’s the weirdest request and did you do it?
I don’t get too many weird requests for custom videos honesty, but when I first started camming, someone in my chatroom requested me to make “air hand sex noises” and that’s always really stuck with me. I think what they mean was to mimic a hand job in the air while moaning, and I did that in the MOST obnoxious way you could imagine.

How do you film? Any special lighting equipment/camera? Feel free to share some of your tips.
I use two small led panel lights for artificial light but I generally prefer to film with natural sunlight if possible. I use a Panasonic LUMIX FZ300 to film and/or my IPhone. I have a lot of tips and tricks for filming, I actually wrote an article full of tips and tricks in the AmateurPorn Creator Toolbox!

What do you like about using AP as a platform?
I love SO many things about AP. I love the layout of the site, I feel it’s easy to use. I love the content uploaded, I never have any issues with it. I love the payout percent, 75% across the board makes me feel valued for my work.

I love how helpful and supportive the staff is, they’ve answered every question I’ve ever had, they’ve helped me reduce file sizes so that I could upload properly, and they’ve encouraged my hard work and made me feel valued in so many ways.

I also love the inclusivity of AP. I’ve tried other clip selling platforms and buy AP has blown them all out of the water and I only sell my clips here now.

Has your brand evolved since you started? If so, how?
Yes, I’ve gone through a name change, my quality of content has improved drastically, my creative thinking has evolved and I’m definitely not shy about creating anymore. Inspiration flows through me a lot more freely these days. And in general, I’ve matured as a person and so has the way I approach my content. There’s a lot more thought and intention that goes into my content now.

What are you watching on Netflix right now?
I’m in a show hole right now but the final season of Orange is the New Black is now out, so I’ll be starting that very soon.

What’s a meme to describe yourself?

We love your social media! What are your bigger tips on keeping up with all of it?
I try to interact with other accounts as much as I can because the more you interact the more you are seen. I retweet a lot of funny memes because a lot of my supporters value my personality and humor and sometimes that means sharing a funny meme we can all relate to. I try post frequently, work related and non-work related. I’ve noticed when I take elongated breaks from social media without checking in, it can be hard to catch back up or get back into your groove. Breaks from social media can be good for mental health, though, so it’s a tricky balance.

You worked really hard to win Top Seller in June! We’re so proud of you and your accomplishments. What advice would you give to creators who want to climb the Top Sellers list?
Believe you can do it, and then make it happen. I’ve never been a ‘top model’ per se, and I’ve always had a small fan base compared to others, but small things can still be very strong, like an ant. Create new content, put it out regularly, try new things, offer new services, and appeal to your supporters.

You know the people that support you the most, offer things that you know your support network will want. People will believe in you if you believe in yourself and work for it.

How did you come up with your stage name?
For the first name, I knew it had to be something I would respond to naturally, so I deconstructed one of my nicknames as a kid and found something that sounded similar. I came up with Lily. I used to be Lily Littles when I started but people kept calling me Lily Titties instead so I changed my name to Lily Laloca because I love alliteration and the song ‘locomotion’ was in my head and I’m a tad bit on the crazy side, so Lily LaLoca is basically translated into “Lily The Crazy Woman” and I find it’s very fitting, haha!

Hit us with your social media links so people can follow you on all the things
Twitter : @lilylalocaCB

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