AP Creator of the Month : Wylie Wanderlust

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Welcome to AP Spotlight. Every month, we’ll pick an AP Creator of the Month and interview them, and they send us a little video intro with some quick tips for other AP Creators.

For April, our AP Creator of the Month is Wylie Wanderlust Let’s meet them…

How’d you get started making adult content?
My best friend introduced me to what she did, live stream on Chaturbate. As soon as I had a valid I.D. we collaborated on a live stream together. I fell in love with being my own boss shortly after. A couple months of camming passed and I jumped into content creation as a natural extension. I’ve always been open to trying new things and I’m always just trying to have a good time so when an oppurtunity presents itself, I seriously consider it. Every time.

How long have you been making content?
I started creating content a few months after I started camming, around December of 2017 I believe. So around 2 or so years now.

What inspires your content?
I honestly don’t have any one thing that inspires me. I’m a fan of the belief that ideas and creativity come to you, that if you’re being yourself and interacting with the world around you, inspiration will come to you. You can’t always just look for it. So I guess I would say my inspiration comes from interacting with and observing the world around me as a whole and not focusing on trying to “find” inspiration.

What’s your favorite content you’ve ever made?
Wow thats a hard one to answer. I love so much of it. My favorite catagory is definitely cosplay, I loved roleplaying as Leeloo in “Leeloo Learns Lust” and the Vulcan Officer in my Pon Far video.

How do you promote your brand, and what’s the most successful method(s) for you?
Mostly by directing traffic from big sites. I make sure to stream regularly on CB and post regularly on PH, Reddit, and Twitter. I think what has worked best for me is casting a wide net across social media and high traffic sites to bring traffic where I want it. I recently made my own site to divert directly to my favorites (like AP) and that has really made my brand feel more professional and my own.

What’s your trick to balancing your daily life?
I’m honestly not great at the whole “balance” thing. I do my best to set a time limit on how much I’m going to work in a day, and then force myself to do other things outside that time. Sticky notes, alarms, and planned social interactions are all tools I use. I also find that getting into a routine also helps a lot with having more than just work in my life.

If you could give a new creator advice, what would it be?
More than anything else, I wish somebody had told me to make sure I make time to focus on the parts of my job that I enjoy. That, and focusing on being consistent in whatever you do. That’s the best advice I feel I can give.

If you make customs – what’s the weirdest request and did you do it?
I’m not kinkshaming because I genuinely enjoyed doing it, but I had a guy ask me to circumcise him. Like roll a piece of paper up and cut it like it was his penis. Probably the weirdest thing I’ve done so far haha.

How do you film? Any special lighting equipment/camera? Feel free to share some of your tips.
It’s changed so much over time, but my current setup is a CanonEOS80D, 2 umbrella lights (one with a colour changing Hue bulb) and a Ring light. I think my biggest tip is just to make sure you have at least 2 points (3 prefered) of light. You don’t need anything fancy, you can shoot good content on most newer phones as long as the lighting is good.

What do you like about using AP as a platform?
Most? Definetly the support and team. I have never had to wait for answers on issues, and I genuinely have always felt welcome. Oh, and they’re always updating based on models’ needs! Actually listening to our feedback.

Has your brand evolved since you started? If so, how?
So much! I started when I was 18 and in that time I’ve grown to be a lot more comfortable with myself, and my interests have grown and changed as well. I’ve slowly over time been able to create more “wild” and “weird” content as well as roleplaying, things I never used to be comfortable with. And my brand has changed with that, now I’m “Wild Wylie” not “Little Wylie” – it may seem small to some, but for me its the difference between being scared to be myself and embracing the person that I am.

What are you watching on Netflix right now?
BILL NYE SAVES THE WORLD! It’s not magic, it’s science! I also just started watching Altered Carbon.

What’s a meme to describe yourself?
Wow thats such a hard pick. Gonna have to go with this :

We love how diverse your content is. Where do you come up with all your ideas?
Wow thank you! I’ve never thought of it that way. Only now that I look back on it, is it diverse. I think a big factor in that is my desire to grow. Not as a business, but as an artist. I’m always trying to do new things, experience new experiences, shoot different angles and shots. A lot of it for me is the appeal of the scene, if I have a shot in my head I want to see, I’ll make an entire video for that shot. I think what works for best for me is always keeping an open mind.

Do you have a favorite character to Cosplay as?
It’s a toss up between Cortana and Misty! I have the nost nostalgic memories of Halo so Cortana is very near and dear, but my whole life is basically Pokemon now. I even cosidered dying my hair orange to just be IRL Misty for a few months.

How did you come up with your stage name?
I decided in Wanderlust as a last name early on because I was drawn to it. After that it was just a game of trying to find a good alliteration with W that captured my personaility ~ I was almost Wylde Wanderlust, little did I know my brand would become Wild Wylie.

Hit us with your social media links so people can follow you on all the things!
Twitter : @lewdwylie & @wyliewonderland
Instagram : @Wylie.Wanderlust
Snap : @littlewylie

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