Jenna Valentine's Self-Care Product Recommendations

As a sex worker for over a decade, I cannot count the number of times I have been too stressed to function. Slow days, weeks, not knowing if I’ll be able to pay my bills. Plus as someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, these feelings are 100 times more insufferable. Luckily, I am a Leo and I am a huge fan of self care. And who doesn?t love to spoil themselves sometimes?

I’m sure we’re all sick of hearing just to do some yoga and drink some tea to cure our feelings of being overwhelmed, so here are some other suggestions that have helped me focus on ME time. I cannot stress enough how important self care or time for yourself is – especially with a job that focuses so much time on emotional labor. We need to remember to take care of ourselves too. Since the holidays are coming up I’ve also included links that you are able to add to your wishlist.

Clean sheets : I cannot think of a better feeling than a fresh pair of sheets, pillow cases and duvet cover. I absolutely love getting out of the shower and laying down on clean sheets. 100% my favorite self care thing to do for myself. Snuggle up and take a little nap. If anyone is looking for a new comforter, I cannot stress how much The Buffy has changed my sleeping experience.?

Aromatherapy : I’m a huge new aromatherapy and essential oil girl. No worries, I’m not your old high school enemy who is trying to sell you an MLM. I just love making my home smell delightful. There a lot of options on Amazon for diffusers but here are a few on sale:

Aromatherapy-Diffuser-Google/dp/B07T82GPN2 (this one works on WIFI!)

And some good oils for relaxing :

(Pet owners : make sure you double check which essential oils are OK for around your furry friends)

Here is a great article about which oils can reduce stress 😕

Baths : I LOVE taking a bath, especially when I feel existential dread looming in. Turn off the lights, light a candle, listen to some ambient music.

I love a nice smelling bath gel like Korres makes (I just picked up a bunch of these at Marshalls for 60 percent off btw)

BATH BOMBS! I’m sure you’ve all seen a thousand instagram stories of people releasing their bath bombs into the water. Lush has the best bath bombs that don’t irritate me (if anyone has any on amazon they swear by let a girl know)

Body scrubs : I love an exfoliation and making myself feel extra smooth and soft. Here are some easy DIY scrubs you can make at home :

and some great ones on Amazon :

Ambient lighting : I recently got a free Google Home mini from Spotify and purchased some smart light bulbs that are compatible. These are so cool! I can change my entire bedroom into a relaxing purple fortress.?

Stretching : Relaxing stretching to do IN bed before to sleep is AMAZING. Sleep is so essential for our health and wellness. Waking up rested is so important!

Fluffy pillows : I recently just gifted myself the most amazing squishy pillow for sleeping AND for spooning. I got it via! I have been sleeping SO much better at night and waking up in such a better place mentally and physically.

Face masks : I love face masks as a way of pampering myself. Keep them in the fridge if you want a cooling effect

These under eye ones feel amazing cold :

Cuddle your pet! Did you know your cats purrs can lower your stress levels and decrease your blood pressure?

Dogs can improve your health? :

Give your pets a nice cuddle.

OH and please do yourself a favor and check out the facebook group: This Cat is C H O N K Y

Coloring Books : Recently I discovered that I LOVE adult coloring books. I’m a goth girl forever so I ordered a couple Halloween ones but there are some that are specifically made to relax you.

Guided meditation : due to my EXTREME anxiety it takes me quite awhile to fall asleep. Instead of dozing off I think of something embarrassing I said 10 years ago. I’ve been using guided meditation to help me drift off to sleep. My favorite so far are :

Puff puff pass : Hey everyone who is in a legal state! There are so many amazing marijuana products now than EVER. I recently tried cannabis tea for the first time when I was having a bad few weeks due to a health issue and it helped incredibly much. If you’re in California or Oregon, check out the delivery service Eaze. Use this referal link to get 20 dollars off your first purchase :

I hope this helps! If you have any ideas for self care or any other ideas for a ToolBox Article send over an email to me at!

XOXO Jenna V.

This article was written for us by Jenna Valentine, if you’d like to contribute to the AP Lounge, please get in touch via email.

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