Social Media Savvy


Safety First

Turn OFF location services for Snapchat, and use “Ghost Mode” so no one can see your location.

Snapchat Takeovers

Many websites and promotional accounts run snapchat takeovers, including right here at AP. These are a great way to reach new fans. Many sites book a month in advance or so (Such as AP) so expecting to get a takeover within the week might lead to disappointment. Plan accordingly, follow the account’s rules & guidelines so they don’t get banned or reported, and be engaged with the audience.

Aligning your takeovers with photoshoots, outings, etc. can keep viewers interested. Avoid posting too many screenshots. Promoting your content is great but too many screenshots, or too much of the same thing, and the viewer will likely skip past your posts.


Promo accounts on twitter are sometimes a nice route to take, but can often be an echo chamber to other promo accounts, which means a total waste of time for you. Checking the engagement on their posts is a great way to figure out who’s worth contacting for promotion. If they have 45k followers but can’t get more than 5 likes on a post, something is amiss. More importantly: Beware of promo accounts that ask you for content or sometimes even money! Many people use promo accounts as a means to scam models.

When in doubt, reach out to your fellow sex workers on Twitter and see what they have to say. Good accounts will get good reviews, while scam accounts will be outed by other sex workers.


For many sex workers, building a following on Instagram can both help to expand your audience and find new customers for your content. However, creating a lasting Instagram presence can be difficult due to their guidelines around sexual and suggestive content. In order to both promote yourself and keep your account, be careful to post photos that don’t show what Instagram considers to be “female nipples” in your photos, be careful about implied nudity, and avoid using hashtags that have been censored by Instagram (you can check this by searching the hashtags beforehand).

In order to stay within Instagram guidelines, direct message your AP link to potential customers instead of posting it on your profile. Working with shoutout accounts can be effective, but be wary of paid shoutout accounts as most of them won’t get you the results you hope for. You can always message your Instagram safe photos to our @ap_clips Instagram along with your AP profile link to be featured on our page!


We recommend not promoting AP on Tumblr, since they’ve banned all adult content from their platform. There are alternatives popping up, but few have anywhere near the cachet that Tumblr once had. If you have an alternative to suggest, reach out and let us know your experience.

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